Friday, April 4, 2008

On life and loving personal freedom...

Somehow this is the best way the NSW Education Minister could think of to increase attendance.

So, for the count: they're fingerprinting minors; they called parents stupid for refusing to allow their kids to be fingerprinted (with exemption notes); and then the students weren't "allowed" to leave the room until their fingerprint had been taken, regardless of afore-mentioned note.

Equally disturbingly: the NSW government planned and implemented something like this with little to no media coverage. I don't watch Channel 7/Bubblegum news every night, but I do read web news sites, and quite a few blogs where something like this would have been mentioned, so I was wondering how this got past all that until I read to the end of the article:
The process had also never been formally announced by Mr Della Bosca nor the Iemma Government, he said.

O RLY. This story has even been buried on; I saw the article in The Ostrayhun:
The school children may as well get used to it. Within a decade, having your implanted ID chip, or biometric data, scanned every time you enter a school, train station, shopping mall or night club will be standard, every day stuff.

Brilliant. Can't wait for it.
An Education Department spokeswoman said inquiries would be made about the scheme.

I would damn well hope so.

Meanwhile, a more important issue: most Australians unable to fix their computer. Get some skillz, nubs.


Terry Wright said...

I agree.

This is a disturbing practice and to bully the kids into having their prints taken or "they can't leave the room" is unacceptable.

Even worse, the teachers planned to have the prints taken during an exam so the students couldn't bring in their exemption letter from their patents.

Anonymous said...

Not much different from the stories years ago about student ID cards being scanned at classrooms. Aside from the whole "we've got your prints on file" aspect.

Is an old-fashioned role call really that hard?

The most common complaints from those surveyed included: too slow to boot up (35 per cent); frequent pop-ups and error messages (25 per cent); and not able to "talk" to other devices such as printers or other PCs (22 per cent).

If only they all had Macs with Bonjour/Zeroconf automatically handling all their network print services, eh? EH?!